Fire Prevention & Evacuation Plan

Fire Prevention is the number one priority for the Alpine Peaks Residents' Association. 

Alpine Peaks Survey: In September 2019, the North Tahoe Fire Protection District will be conducting a Defensible Space survey and assessment of each home in our neighborhood.  After the survey, they will send the results to each household and also the board. The APRA board will be communicating directly with each home that is classified in the high or moderate risk category.  

Wildfire Preparedness and Emergency Evacuation: Please carefully read the two documents that were prepared in cooperation with the NTFPD and the Placer County Sheriff emergency evacuation staff that are found on the Fire Adapted Community/FireWise page.  It is highly important to sign up for Placer Alerts, be prepared with a family evacuation plan and an emergency go bag, and to leave early.  Listen carefully to all emergency evacuation directions from law enforcement. Each evacuation and fire situation is unique, and is dealt with in real-time by experienced staff.  Gathering at Sherwood/Alpine and/or attempting to leave by the forest service road is highly unlikely and considered a last, desperate act with low survival outcomes.  Be prepared and plan to evacuate early to avoid putting your and your family in a dangerous situation. 


North Tahoe Fire Protection District
Community members can visit this website to request an Inspection or Chipping service. There is also information on Defensible Space and Tree Removal Permits here as well\

Living With Fire

Great website full of resources and information. Check out the resources tab and explore the entire website for great info